
Cost: Free | *Please RSVP*

Learn more: TEDxAmoskeagMillyard salon series.

Saturday, May 5, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Jupiter Hall, 89 Hanover Street, Manchester, New Hampshire

TEDxAmoskeagMillyardSalon, the second in its series, will be held at Jupiter Hall this Saturday May 5th at 6:30pm.

The goal of the TEDxAmoskeagMillyard salon series is to spread ideas and build community in our corner of Southern New Hampshire. Join us to watch TED talks together and have informal facilitated discussion, in person, about the ideas we encounter in the selected talks.

The theme of the second salon is Immigration. Not since World War II have so many people been forcibly displaced by war and persecution. What is our responsibility to help refugees and immigrants thrive? Can we connect as humans, with greater empathy, to immigrants and the personal challenges and experiences they face when starting over? What policies and practices might optimize the well-being of immigrants and our communities during this displacement? What might we do to help lay the ground work so that displaced persons might be able to return home?

Free and open to the public, this event is being held at Jupiter Hall, Manchester’s newest arts and culture space.
For questions and updates, please contact Katie Bérubé at katie@jupiterhallnh.com.

ABOUT TEDxAmoskeagMillyard
TEDxAmoskeagMillyard is a catalyst for citizen creatives, students, entrepreneurs, artists, change agents and innovators to share ideas, connect, collaborate and create positive impact. We invite you to be inspired, share your passion, engage in meaningful dialog and become an architect for the future of our community!

Jupiter Hall: Where Communities Experience Arts, Culture and Innovation

Jupiter Hall – located in the heart of downtown Manchester, New Hampshire’s growing Cultural District at 89 Hanover Street (directly across from The Palace Theatre) – is Boston Creative Pro User Group’s new multi-purpose cultural venue. At Jupiter Hall, we showcase & present exciting moments for storytellers & creatives working with Digital Media & innovative formats to share stories, culture & vision. Follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram at @JupiterHallNH.
Boston Creative Pro User Group (BOSCPUG) is a story driven, globally connected community of ready-to-collaborate digital filmmakers and broadcast professionals focusing on the craft of Visual Storytelling and related tools for digital cinema and distribution. BOSCPUG regularly hosts top industry filmmakers and creatives to share and discuss their latest work and their workflows. BOSCPUG also regularly holds affordable production and post-production workshops. BOSCPUG is a professional, creative outlet to pitch ideas for episodic content creation and to discover talent, crew and distribution for your projects.
Jupiter Hall is courteously sponsored by Blackmagic Design.