
Local and Industry Happenings

Blackmagic Design Announces Ultimatte 12

Blackmagic Design Announces Ultimatte 12

Blackmagic Design today announced Ultimatte 12, a new realtime hardware compositing processor that’s perfect for broadcast quality keying, adding augmented reality elements into shots, working with virtual sets and more.
Blackmagic Design Announces DaVinci Resolve 14 is Now Shipping

Blackmagic Design Announces DaVinci Resolve 14 is Now Shipping

Massive update to Hollywood’s fastest growing professional editor features up to 10x better performance, Fairlight digital audio, multi user collaboration tools and hundreds of new features! DaVinci Resolve 14 is now available for download from the Blackmagic Design website.
Blackmagic Design Announces Fusion 9 with VR

Blackmagic Design Announces Fusion 9 with VR

Fusion 9 has been designed to support the latest workflows and features new VR tools, entirely new keyer technology, planar tracking, camera tracking, multi user collaboration tools and more - along with a new Fusion 9 Studio price of $299!


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BOSCPUG is Proudly Supported by Blackmagic Design BOSCPUG is Proudly Supported by Blackmagic Design

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