
Actors needed for Shane Hurlbut’s Cinematography Tour on 10/9/14 in Boston, MA

Location: Boston Marriott Peabody, Centennial Ballroom, 8A Centennial Drive, Peabody, MA 01960
Call Time: Thursday, 10/9/14, 8 am – 4 pm

Work with Hollywood Cinematographer Shane Hurlbut, who shoots multi-million dollar blockbuster films including The Rat Pack, Drumline, Need for Speed and most recently Fathers and Daughters. Network with an audience filled with local filmmakers. You might just be the next star that they are looking for!


Our Tour Producer is MZed, a film and photography education company that produces live educational tours nationally and internationally. They also produce and sell pre-recorded training materials.

We are looking for one female and one male actor to act out scenes under the direction of Shane Hurlbut, World-Renowned Cinematographer at the Boston stop of The Illumination Tour. http://illumination.mzed.com/

We are looking for one female and one male actor over the age of 18:

We are looking for an actress to re-create Kirsten Dunst’s role as Nicole in the Movie Crazy/Beautiful. Caucasian, average height, slender, short blonde hair. 18-30 age range will be considered.

We are looking to re-create Jay Hernandez’s role as Carlos in the Movie Crazy/Beautiful. Hispanic, 18-30 age range will be considered.

Actors will be participating on a voluntary basis. They will be given $50 for travel expenses and meals. Photos and footage taken at the event will be shared with you for your portfolio or reel after the tour has concluded in mid-November. Obviously, the most valuable benefits will be to list your experience with renowned cinematographer Shane Hurlbut, ASC on your resume and the face time with local Filmmakers.

We will be re-creating a scene from Shane’s movie, Crazy/Beautiful. If you are selected we will send you the script and film clips from the scene that we will be recreating.

Please reply to anne@hurlbutvisuals.com with the subject line Actor for Boston as we are seeking actors in multiple cities. Please include your full contact information, a headshot and a link to your portfolio where we can review reels of your work.

Thank you!

