ONE DAY IN BOSTON to inspire hundreds of films on Saturday, April 26. 

BOSCPUG has signed on as a partner with ONE DAY IN BOSTON


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BOSTON, 11 March 2014 – The world’s largest media collaboration, ONE DAY ON EARTH, is launching a new project to document the topic of ‘cities’ this April 26th. One-day filming events will take place in 11 major US metro areas, including Boston (ONE DAY IN BOSTON). Working with hundreds of partner organizations across the United States, including creative communities, nonprofits, and municipal offices in Boston, the project will investigate 10 questions for a 24-hour filming campaign called YOUR DAY. YOUR CITY. YOUR FUTURE. The goal is to inspire citizens to document the issues and culture that will define their city for the next 20 years.

Questions, such as, “Who is your city not serving?” and “What are the solutions that your city needs to implement?” are balanced with, “What do you love about your city?” and “What is the best thing happening in your city today?”

While the project is launching in 11 US metro areas this month, there are plans to expand the initiative to additional cities, both domestically and abroad later in the year. The social platform, serves as a gateway for all the cities and a space where participants can get involved with fellow collaborators.

Participants in the project will connect with their fellow filmmakers and upload their films to where their submissions will create an accessible geo-tagged archive showcasing all media created that day. The project producers are also working directly with local PBS affiliates and public broadcasters to share a TV series, investigating the future of American cities.

The project is supported by a coalition of national and local foundations, including the Ford Foundation and the Surdna Foundation and is hosted in partnership with the video-sharing platform Vimeo.

Working with a growing social network of nonprofits, entrepreneurs, academics and a vast creative network of more than 35,000 media creators, the YOUR DAY. YOUR CITY. YOUR FUTURE. campaign is part for a portfolio of media collaborations supported by the One Day on Earth Foundation. Previous collaborations include three global filming events (on 10/10/10, 11/11/11, and 12/12/12). The first film was released in 2012. The 2011 and 2012 initiatives are in post-production. The purpose of One Day on Earth’s collaborations is to build relationships and conversations, while creating a valuable archive of media for continued use and education. The goal is not only to inform, but also to unite. Visit for more information.